Herein this article, we delved into Natural gas processing, we defined the process and the steps involved in the processing.

What is Natural gas processing?

Natural gas processing is a complex industrial process that purifies and separates raw natural gas into its various components, making it suitable for consumption.

This is a range of industrial processes designed to purify raw natural gas by removing contaminants such as solids, water, carbon dioxide (CO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), mercury and higher molecular mass hydrocarbons (condensate) to produce pipeline quality dry natural gas for pipeline distribution and final use.

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The goal of processing is to produce a high-quality gas that meets pipeline specifications, ensuring safe and efficient transportation and use.

Some of the substances which contaminate natural gas have economic value and are further processed or sold.

Raw natural gas comes primarily from three types of wells: crude oil wells, gas wells, and condensate wells. Crude oil and natural gas are often found together in the same reservoir. Natural gas produced in wells with crude oil is generally classified as associated-dissolved gas as the gas had been associated with or dissolved in crude oil. Natural gas production not associated with crude oil is classified as “non-associated.”

Natural-gas processing begins underground or at the well-head. In a crude oil well, natural gas processing begins as the fluid loses pressure and flows through the reservoir rocks until it reaches the well tubing. In other wells, processing begins at the wellhead which extracts the composition of natural gas according to the type, depth, and location of the underground deposit and the geology of the area.


Steps Involved in Natural Gas Processing:

  1. Receiving and Metering: Raw natural gas is received from production wells and measured to determine its volume and composition.
  2. Pre-Treatment: The gas is treated to remove impurities like water, sulfur compounds, and solids.
  3. Separation: The gas is separated into its various components using techniques like fractionation and absorption.
  4. Dehydration: Water is removed from the gas to prevent corrosion and hydrate formation.
  5. Sweetening: The gas is treated to remove sulfur compounds, making it odorless and non-toxic.
  6. Nitrogen Rejection: Nitrogen is removed to increase the gas’s heating value and meet pipeline specifications.
  7. Liquids Removal: Natural gas liquids (NGLs) like ethane, propane, and butane are extracted and processed separately.
  8. Gas Treating: The gas is further treated to remove impurities and meet pipeline specifications.


Natural gas processing is a critical step in preparing raw gas for consumption, ensuring a safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly supply of energy.

Natural gas when relatively free of hydrogen sulfide is called sweet gas; natural gas that contains elevated hydrogen sulfide levels is called sour gas; natural gas, or any other gas mixture, containing significant quantities of hydrogen sulfide or carbon dioxide or similar acidic gases, is called acid gas.


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