Construction in the Oil and Gas sector

This blog is about an overview of Construction in the Oil and Gas sector and the most common oil and gas construction projects.



Oil and gas construction requires more experience, greater attention to details and a better understanding of safety precautions than many other types of construction. Contractors for oil and gas sites must do everything from procuring permits to building out temporary roadways to deliver materials and haul away debris which involves physical labor that entails building well foundations, setting up a rig, welding pipelines or building refinery infrastructure.  They use hand tools, repair drilling equipment, and transport materials to and from sites.  Like plant operators, chemical equipment operators, industrial machinery mechanics etc.


Construction in the Oil and Gas sector

Oilfield construction includes production facilities, liquefaction plants, refineries, pipelines, storage tanks, and more. The sector is constantly looking to expand their production capabilities. That makes choosing the right contractor for oil and gas projects critical. An experienced and reputable oil and gas construction company follows proven processes that simplify oil and natural gas exploration and production.


 Read: Pipeline Welding in The Oil and Gas Industry/ Meaning/ Types/Facts


The Most Common Oil and Gas Construction Projects.

Upstream Construction: Upstream oil and gas construction projects are among the most challenging building projects a company can handle. Contractors for oil and gas businesses often have to take on challenging landscapes in remote areas while adhering to environmental protection regulations. Furthermore, they have to get oversized machinery and equipment to these areas quickly and safely. Which involves getting the oil out of the ground, by which a hole is bored using a drill bit to create a well for oil and natural gas production.  After identifying and determining where to drill, the site must be cleared and prepared for excavating.  With this comes several hazards related to leveling, excavating, digging, and trenching. During site preparation, construction workers first clear a road to the site and, if needed, level the specific work site where drilling will occur using bulldozers and/or graders.


Midstream Construction

Oil and gas construction companies working on crude oil or natural gas pipelines use the midstream construction process. Pipeline projects often involve transporting resources from the project site to surrounding consumers. There are six critical stages of midstream oilfield facility construction:

  • Building staging areas
  • Clear pipeline right-of-ways
  • Excavating
  • Pipe transport
  • Obstacle identification
  • Testing and restoration

Once trenches have been dug, pipes are assembled next to them in various ways. Welding and bending tools, joints, and sand-blasting techniques are used during oilfield facility construction to ensure the line is structurally sound and corrosion-proof. Because of open flames and sparks during welding construction services, safety is a top priority. If strict protocols are not followed, explosions are a genuine concern.


Read: Pipeline Pigging Equipment in the Oil and Gas Sectors


Downstream Construction

Downstream oil and gas construction consists of manufacturing, refining, and providing gas products made from crude. This type of oilfield facility construction is typically less complex and labor intensive than the previous methods, but is vital nonetheless. Refinery sites require new construction, additions, new platform structures, and many others built at the beginning of projects and as production expands. Once the refinery is built, construction activities are never-ending; from new asphalt on refinery roads, to newly built platform structures-construction workers are critical to downstream success. Refining oil and gas often involves multifaceted equipment, extreme temperatures and the need for handling hazardous materials.  Although construction workers may not directly handle these products, inherent hazards ranging from chemicals to explosions and fires are constant concerns for those working at a refinery.


Oil and Gas Construction Company Considerations

Pipeline construction is mainly done underground, but there are numerous above-ground infrastructure needs. Oilfield facility construction includes following:

  • Compressor stations
  • Structures for maintaining pressure levels
  • Valve stations
  • Metering stations