This page tells us the procedures or steps on how we can embark on Gas Business in Nigeria.
Before one embarks on a gas business, you have to have a good knowledge about the business, have a solid plan and execute it effectively. You need to be knowledgeable about the number of gas pants in your area, their turn over, that will help you in your own plans and working strategies to advertise yourself and also know the dos and don’t of the experience of others in the business.
Read: LPG Plant Construction Approval & Licensing
– Opening a gas plant business is really money consuming, you need hug money in order to acquire equipment’s and machines in running your gas business
– Land, environmental and health implication, should be considered, because DPR(Department of Petroleum Resources) directives passed a bill that the location for a gas plant should at least be 15meters away from residential buildings or any building that has flammable materials.
– Before your license is given to you or application been approved, the DPR officials will come for inspection if been satisfied your license will be issued to you.
– DPR will come and investigate, Certificate of ownership of property, land survey, application letter for DPR, certificate of corporation (CAC) and tax certificate.
Read: LPG Business Opportunities & How to Start
– After the DPR has been given go ahead order to set up your plant, the next thing you do is to prepare and submit these documents, police Report, Town Planning Permit, Fire Planning Approval, State Land and Physical Planning permit Layout drawing of proposed plant and you carry out an Environment Impact Analysis.
-After the approval of first and second stages, the last stage is to certify the installation and materials used to build the establishment. Documents required are: Pressure Test Report, Fire Responds Report and SON certification for the pressured vessel.
Insurance, it is very important but not mandatory, is highly recommended because it deals with flammable and there could be unforeseen occurrences. Despite the safety and precautions measures, one cannot be too confident of safety.