How to Pay Federal & States

Nigerians States and Local Government Areas (LGAs)

How to Pay Federal & States Government Invoice when you have Generate RRR Number

Pay Your Invoice with RRR Number

Pay RRR Federal agency fees

1. visit the website
2. Click on the link Pay a Biller
3. Who Do You Want to Pay:Type in the remita account details of the school.
4. Name of Service/Purpose:Select the service/purpose of payment
5. Description: Enter more detail about the purpose of payment ( example, if you are paying for school fees, you can type in (i) school fees for ss2 (ii) school fees for 1st semester e.t.c)
6. Amount to Pay: Input the Amount
7. Payers Name: Type in the name of your company, for personal, type in your name Name
8. Payers Phone: Type in your Phone number
9. Payers Email: Type in a valid email address
10. How do you want to Pay: select your preference payment

Note: you can pay directly with your CARD, but where some organizations like schools, hospital, etc want you to give bank teller, please select Bank as an option.
Bank option: Copy your RRR number and proceed to any commercial bank to make the payment.

11. Click Submit
12. Type in your Card details and make payment.


Read: Business/ Company Registration Service


What is TSA in Nigeria?

Treasury Single Account (TSA) also known as Treasury single account is a financial policy in use in several countries all over the world. It is a policy where all government funds are collected in one account.


Treasury Single Account (TSA) was introduced in Nigeria in 2012. The federal government of Nigeria under the Jonathan Administration in 2012 designed, proposed and partially implemented Treasury Single Account (TSA) and almost fully implemented by the Buhari Administration.

As at the time of this post, there are still Federal Government agencies in Nigeria that have not fully migrated to Nigerian federal government Treasury Single Account (TSA). E.g Offshore Safety Permit fees under Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) still go to separate bank account.


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