Market Entry Strategies for International Expansion

Market Entry Strategies for International Expansion

In this article, we discussed the meaning of the Market entry strategies international expansion, the type, and examples, the purpose and factors.


A market entry strategy is a plan for introducing a product or service to a new market. For international expansion, this means introducing a product or service to a new country.

Market entry strategies provide businesses with a roadmap to enter into international markets. Since there are many methods companies can use to sell their goods globally, they will choose the best approach based on their goals and target market.

The purpose of a market entry strategy

To successfully enter a new market

To achieve sustainable growth

To increase the visibility and distribution of a product or service

What factors to consider when selecting a market entry strategy

Product: The product’s value, shipping requirements, and handling procedures

Company: The company’s resources, objectives, and budget

Market: The market’s culture, political and economic environment, and legal and regulatory requirements

Competition: The company’s market rivals

Consumer needs: The needs of the consumers in the new market

There are several market entry strategies for international expansion,  and its includes: 


A traditional strategy that involves marketing products made in one country to another

Direct exporting: Selling products directly to customers in the target country

Indirect exporting: Using agents or distributors to sell products in the target country


Allows another company to use, sell, or distribute a company’s products or services


Allows a third party to operate a business under a company’s brand name

Franchisees pay a fee and receive a cut of the revenue, along with the company’s marketing materials

Joint ventures

Involves two or more companies working together to achieve a common goal

Joint ventures can provide access to local market knowledge and shared resources

Greenfield investments

Involves building operations from scratch in a new market.

There are several types of market entry strategies for international expansion.

Direct exporting

A company sells its products directly in the target market without using a third party.

Indirect exporting

A company uses an agent, such as an international distributor, to sell its products in the target market.


A company grants a third party the right to use its products or services in a specific market.


A company grants a third party the right to operate an entire business under its brand. The franchisee pays the company a fixed sum and a cut of the revenue.

Joint ventures

Two or more companies work together to achieve a common goal. Joint ventures can provide access to local market knowledge and shared resources.


A company acquires another company with established operations in the target market.

The purpose of a market entry strategy for international expansion is to increase a company’s visibility and distribution of its products or services in a new market.


Cost savings

Companies can expand into markets with more affordable resources, which can lower consumer prices.


Companies can interact with diverse cultures to understand local needs and preferences, which can lead to innovative solutions.

Global image

Companies can enhance their reputation, perceived value, and credibility by establishing a presence in multiple countries.


Companies can spread risk by relying on multiple markets instead of just one.

Access to resources

Companies can access critical resources that are not available in their domestic markets.


Licensing: A company can grant a local company the right to use its intellectual property in exchange for royalties.

Exporting: A company can send goods to an international market.

Waterfall strategy: A company can invest more heavily in markets that are strategically important.

Sprinkler strategy: A company can enter multiple markets simultaneously.


Market entry research can help companies understand a new market.

Market entry research can help companies identify success factors, potential challenges, and hidden opportunities.

The Factors of Market Entry Strategies for International Expansion

Market factors

Market size and growth potential: How big is the market and how much is it expected to grow

Competitive landscape: Who are the other businesses in the market and what are they offering

Regulatory environment: What are the laws and regulations that apply to the market

Cultural differences: How do the cultural norms of the market compare to those of the business’s home country

Business factors

Resources and capabilities: What resources and capabilities does the business have to support international expansion

Risk tolerance: How much risk is the business willing to take on

Objectives: What are the business’s goals for international expansion

External factors

Logistics: How will the business transport its products to the market

Taxes and duties: What taxes and duties will the business have to pay to sell its products in the market.


Market entry strategies provide businesses with a roadmap to enter into international markets. Since there are many methods companies can use to sell their goods globally, they will choose the best approach based on their goals and target market.

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