In this article, we discussed the meaning of miscarriage, the types, the symptoms, the causes, the risk factor and also the treatment.
A miscarriage (also called a spontaneous abortion) is the unexpected ending of a pregnancy in the first 20 weeks of growth. Just because it’s called a “miscarriage” doesn’t mean you did something wrong in carrying the pregnancy. Most miscarriages are beyond your control and occur because the fetus stops growing.
A miscarriage is the natural loss of a fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy. Pregnancy losses after the 20th week are called stillbirths. Miscarriage is a naturally occurring event, unlike medication abortions or abortion procedures.
Types of miscarriage
Missed miscarriage: You’ve lost the pregnancy but are unaware it’s happened. There are no symptoms of miscarriage, but an ultrasound confirms the fetus has no heartbeat.
Complete miscarriage: You’ve lost the pregnancy and your uterus is empty. You’ve experienced bleeding and passed fetal tissue. Your provider can confirm a complete miscarriage with an ultrasound.
Recurrent miscarriage: Three consecutive miscarriages. It affects about 1% of couples.
Threatened : Your cervix stays closed, but you’re bleeding and experiencing pelvic cramping. The pregnancy typically continues with no further issues. Your pregnancy care provider may monitor you more closely for the rest of your pregnancy.
Inevitable : You’re bleeding, cramping and your cervix has started to open (dilate). You may leak amniotic fluid. A complete miscarriage is likely.
Symptoms of Miscarriage, the most common signs are:
Bleeding that progresses from light to heavy. You may also pass stained tissue or blood clots.
Cramps and abdominal pain (usually worse than menstrual cramps).
Low back ache that may range from mild to severe.
A decrease in pregnancy symptoms.
Contact your pregnancy care provider right away if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms. They will tell you to come into the office or go to the emergency room.
Heavy bleeding or worsening bleeding.
Intense pain.
Don’t put anything inside your vagina for at least two weeks after a miscarriage. This includes tampons, sexual intercourse and fingers or sex toys. Your provider will schedule a follow-up appointment with you to discuss your recovery and any complications.
Causes of miscarriage includes:
Exposure to TORCH diseases.
Hormonal imbalances.
Improper implantation of fertilized egg in your uterine lining.
How old you are.
Uterine abnormalities.
Incompetent cervix (your cervix begins to open too early in pregnancy).
Lifestyle factors such as smoking, drinking alcohol or using recreational drugs.
Disorders of the immune system like lupus.
Severe kidney disease.
Congenital heart disease.
Diabetes that isn’t managed.
Thyroid disease.
Certain medicines, such as the acne drug isotretinoin (Accutane®).
Severe malnutrition.
There is no scientific proof that stress, exercise, sexual activity or prolonged use of birth control pills cause miscarriage. Whatever your situation is, it’s important to not blame yourself for having a it Most of it have nothing to do with something you did or didn’t do.
The Risk Factors for a miscarriage includes the following:
Your age: Studies show that the risk of miscarriage is 12% to 15% for females in their 20s and rises to about 25% by age 40. Most age-related miscarriages happen because of a chromosomal abnormality (the fetus has missing or extra chromosomes).
Previous miscarriage: You have a 25% chance of having another one (only slightly higher than someone who hasn’t had any) if you’ve already had one.
Health conditions: Certain health conditions like unmanaged diabetes, infections or issues with your uterus or cervix increase your chance of miscarriage.
Talk to your pregnancy care provider about the risk factors for it . They can discuss your risk after they’ve reviewed your medical history.
The Treatments for a Miscarriage:
Nonsurgical treatment
Your pregnancy care provider may recommend waiting to see if you pass the pregnancy on your own. This may be the case if you have a missed miscarriage. Waiting for it to start could take several days. If waiting to pass the tissue isn’t safe or you wish to remove the tissue as soon as possible, they may recommend taking a medication that helps your uterus pass the pregnancy. These options are typically only available if you’ve miscarried before 10 weeks of pregnancy.
If a miscarriage wasn’t confirmed, but you had symptoms of it, your provider may prescribe bed rest for several days. You might be admitted to the hospital overnight for observation. When the bleeding stops, you may be able to continue with your normal activities. If your cervix is dilated, they may diagnose you with an incompetent cervix, and they may perform a procedure to close your cervix (cervical cerclage).
Surgical treatment
Your provider may perform a dilation and curettage (D&C) or dilation and evacuation (D&E) if your uterus hasn’t passed the pregnancy or if you’re bleeding heavily. Surgery may also be the only option if your pregnancy is beyond 10 weeks’ gestation. During these procedures, your cervix is dilated, and any remaining pregnancy-related tissue is gently scraped or suctioned out of your uterus. Your provider performs these surgeries in a hospital, and you’ll be under anesthesia.
How can I prevent another miscarriage:
It’s usually not possible to prevent a miscarriage. it’s not because you did something to cause it. Taking care of your body is the best thing you can do. Some examples of ways to care for yourself include:
Attending all your prenatal care appointments.
Maintaining a weight that’s healthy for you.
Avoiding risk factors like drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes.
Taking a prenatal vitamin.
Getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet.
A miscarriage is a very emotional moment for expectant parents and it’s natural to grieve the loss. Remember that it can’t be prevented, and it’s not caused by something you did wrong. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have children or that you’ll have another miscarriage. If you’re planning to become pregnant, reach out to your healthcare provider to discuss the timing of your next pregnancy and ask any questions you have. It’s OK to be sad. Find support from family, friends online support groups or a licensed counselor.