How would you want to manage your School student’s results?
Get it all from School Software Pro that has full School Result Management System that good for Primary, Secondary, Colleges/ Polytechnic and Group of Schools.
It is full customizable to meet your school/ institution unique need. Auto calculation of CWA, GPA and other formulas you would want to grade your students result and to calculate their final grade like First Class, Second Class Upper/ Lower etc when leaving school.
Read: Benefits of School Alumni Network

Generation of students Transcript is made easy with School Software Pro
As we stated, School Software Pro start with you from when student was given admission, manage everything about the student(s) records including all the results for all the subjects/ courses/ classes till graduation stage and generate student transcript.
No matter the type of your school (Primary, Secondary, Group of Schools, Polytechnic or University) School Software Pro, a school result management software /system helps you to manage your students result.
Read: How to Chosen School Management Software for your Institution
Students have access to all their published results, no matter the level/ class or year
See Student Result Report Center

Admin Exam/ Report Dashboard

School Admin or the Privilege Staff will be able to generate students result reports in the below formats and styles.
- Exam-wise Report (Generates exam-wise reports)
- Subject-wise Report (Generates subject-wise reports)
- Grouped exam reports (Group exams for specific reports)
- Archived Student Reports (Generates Grouped Exam reports for archived students)
- Student Ranking per Subject (Generates reports for subject-wise student ranks)
- Student Ranking per Batch (Generates reports for batch-wise student ranks)
- Student Ranking per Class (Generates reports for class-wise student ranks)
- Student Ranking per School (Generates reports for overall student ranks for this school)
- Student Ranking per Attendance (Generates reports for batch-wise student rank per class attendance)
- Ranking Level Report (Generates reports based on different ranking levels)
- Transcripts (Generates student transcripts)
- Combined Reports (Generates combined student reports)
No Scratch Card, No Limitation to your Employees and Students. Just login and do what you want to do any time you want to do it at any play you want to do it.
You have all the freedom to have the result the way you would want it.
Source: School Software Pro