registration of Trademark for Medical And Beauty services

In this post, we explained the registration of Trademark for Medical And Beauty services, the services included in class 44 trademark Registration. Also, how do complete your trademark registration for Medical And Beauty Services. Contact us for your Trademake Registration service.



Medical And Beauty related services are under Trademark Class 44.  The various services included in class 44 are medical care, hygienic and beauty care given by persons or establishments to human beings as well as animals.

Medical And Beauty related services are essentially categories that are separated by the type of good or service offered. Even if two companies use the same trademark, they may not infringe on each other if the marks are for distinct goods or services.


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A window cleaning fluid made by a different company but bearing the same name, for example, would not infringe on an allergy medication called “Clear as Day.” Medical care, hygienic products, and beauty care products for both humans and animals are included in Class 44, a very broad category. It also includes certain agricultural, horticultural, and forestry-related services.


Concept Of Trademark Classification

The expression Trademark stands for the Intellectual Property Protection provided to the brand, symbol, or logo of any company. The term Trademark Classification indicates various classes and categories of goods and services for Trademark Registration. There are 45 different Classes of Trademark, which are made according to International Certification of Goods and Services, universally known as “NICE Classification”.

Additionally, the classification is bifurcated in two parts, that are-

  • Trademark classes for goods
  • Trademark classes for services


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List of Services included in Trademark Class 44

Class 44 includes mainly medical care, hygienic and beauty care given by persons or establishments to human beings and animals; it also includes services relating to the fields of agriculture, horticulture and forestry. This Class includes, in particular:

  • Animal breeding
  • Medical analysis services relating to the treatment of persons
  • Pharmacy advice
  • Services relating to floral art such as floral composition & garden design
  • Services relating to gardening
  • Artificial insemination services.


Providing Specimens for Trademarks Class 44

A service specimen must demonstrate the use of the mark in a way that potential purchasers would interpret as identifying the applicant’s services and indicating their source. The specimen must show an association between the mark and the services for which registration is sought when the mark is used in advertising the services. A specimen that only shows the mark and no reference to the services does not demonstrate service mark usage.


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